Ensuring access to important forms for all kinds of government services to bring utmost convenience to the customers for availing services.
Rahima Khatun, a housewife, hailing from Shyamnagar Upazila, Satkhira, has become pregnant for the 2nd time. Her husband, Mr. Rahim Box, is a day-laborer, but half of the year remains jobless due to the unavailability of work-around. They already have a large family of 8 members and along with her husband, she tries to help the family by doing household chores in the affluent neighborhood.
But being pregnant in this poverty-driven family, it has become almost impossible for her to work nowadays. From the neighbors, she knew about government allowances for the poor pregnant mothers, but it was a lengthy procedure involving several visits and a matter of ‘speed money even to get the application form for the allowances. She was at a loss about what to do and how to do it. At that time, the female entrepreneurs at the Union Digital Centre, hearing about her miseries, told her about the Bangladesh Forms Portal from where she can fill up the application form without any cost and unnecessary visit. She took the help of the entrepreneurs to fill up the form and within few days, she started to get the allowance, bringing her a must-needed respite in her difficult days. Now she can take care of her health without being stressed about the next meal on her family’s plate. She has even started advocating about the usefulness of the Bangladesh Forms Portal website to the other women in her community so they can access all the services and information they need easily from one single place in the vicinity of their homes.
Key features of Bangladesh Forms Portal
The “Bangladesh Forms” (Forms Portal) is a one-stop web address with all sorts of Government Forms downloadable, downloadable in one click. In most cases, access to government services starts with collecting a form, completing it with the relevant information, and submitting it along with related documents, photographs of the applicants and necessary fees.
From the citizens’ point of view, collecting the form is a tedious and time-consuming job in itself. The Forms section of the National Portal has been created to alleviate unnecessary distress of the citizens, arising from a lack of access to necessary government forms, through a single web address.
Currently, there are more than 1,757 downloadable forms that are subject to automatic update if, and when, any modification takes place through official notifications. The forms have been arranged in 20 categories, some of the most prominent ones being: finance, law, employment, agriculture, education, land, local government, postal and telecommunications, health and other miscellaneous areas.
In addition to containing information about popular forms, the portal has unique features such as